When you visit this Application, move from page to page, read pages, conduct searches, submit information or communications, or download content onto your device, the Application does not record or collect any personal information.
Non-persistent cookies may be used only to facilitate functionality during a single Site visit. Cookies do not contain personal information and are not permanently stored for future use.
FAAM uses this information to find out how many and what type of users visit this Application and which sections of the Application are visited the most frequently. This helps FAAM to know what information is most useful and to identify possible improvements to the Application to make it easier for different types of users to access the information they require. FAAM records statistical information in the aggregate, based on the number of users to the application site. As part of operations, it may be necessary for FAAM to share aggregate statistical information or other information with its affiliates and/or vendors on a need-to-know basis by using this Application, users are deemed to have provided their permission to the collection and use of aggregate statistical information for the purposes set out herein.
FAAM only collects information about identifiable individuals that is provided to us when the individual voluntarily provides the individual’s name, address and any additional details the user chooses to provide electronically in e-mails or use of the ‘Contact’ portions of this Application. FAAM has implemented safeguards and security measures in an attempt to protect this information and keep it in the strictest confidence. However, data transmissions over the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be 100% secure. FAAM does not provide any representations, warranties or guarantees that personal information will be protected against loss, misuse or alteration.
FAAM retains the content of electronic submissions, applications, e-mails or other use of the Contact portions of this Application, including the e-mail address from which the transmission was sent and responses thereto to handle any follow-up.
By using this Application, a user is deemed to have provided the user's permission to collect and use information for the purposes set out herein. FAAM reserves the right to change this privacy statement at any time without prior notice by posting a modified privacy statement on the Application.